What Is The Ideal Age to Start Early Orthodontic Treatment?

Early Orthodontic Treatment Brooklyn, NY

Looking for quality information on early orthodontic treatment? Good for you. The more you understand about early orthodontics, the better able you will be when it comes to making important dental decisions for your child. The first step you need to make is taking your child to an experienced dentist for a thorough and professional orthodontic evaluation. At this time the dentist will provide you with their recommendations for addressing any and all orthodontic issues your child may currently have. An experienced dentist can provide this thorough evaluation on a child as early as the age of seven. By this age they are able to tell what kind of orthodontic treatment a child will need in order to have a healthy mouth.

What is the ideal age to start early orthodontic treatment?

The ideal age for early orthodontics will depend on each child’s particular situation. Parents should understand that their child could be in need of braces as young as the age of eight. This is why the American Association of Orthodontists recommends that a child visit an orthodontist no later than age seven. Some may think that seven years of age is a little young, but don't be alarmed. This is actually the ideal age to start any orthodontic treatment as a child is more likely to keep their permanent teeth the younger they receive treatment.

Two benefits of early orthodontic treatment

The first and main benefit of providing orthodontic services for a child of an early age is that any and all of their oral issues will be easier to treat. The second benefit is that the jawbone of a child is still soft. This means that any corrective dental procedures used will tend to work quicker as well as be much more effective.

Reasons early orthodontic treatment may be needed

There are many common reasons why a child would be in need of early orthodontic treatment. These include that they are having difficulty chewing their food, they are having difficulty talking correctly, they breathe through their mouth often, their front teeth stick out very far and/or they have a crowded mouth. A crowded mouth can be the reason their teeth are beginning to become crooked. While many orthodontic problems in children are hereditary, there are certain actions that they can do that can cause them to have orthodontic issues, such as thumb sucking.

We have a fantastic and caring dental team!

When your child is in need of early orthodontic treatment there will be a few steps involved. This calls for regular trips to a dental office. Since we are currently accepting new patients, we would love to add you to our list of clients so we can provide your child with the orthodontic services they need for good oral health. We invite you to call us for more information. If you prefer, you can come by with your child so you can both meet our dental team. We look forward to meeting you and hope to hear from you soon!

Request an appointment here: https://www.allthingsdrbobbi.com or call Aces Braces at (718) 709-3903 for an appointment in our Brooklyn office.

Check out what others are saying about our services on Yelp: Early Orthodontic Treatment in Brooklyn, NY.

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