Benefits of Adult Orthodontics

Adult Orthodontics Brooklyn, NY

The main reason you should commit to adult orthodontics is to maintain a healthy mouth. Having teeth that are crowded or covering each other up can make it much harder to clean around, resulting in more tooth decay and room for cavities. You are committing to maintaining healthy oral hygiene, which is a great accomplishment as an adult. As adults, we also tend to be more dedicated to the orthodontics process and can see amazing results from that dedication.

Also, when the teeth are not aligned correctly, you may feel jaw pain or trouble chewing certain foods. By using this option, you would correct those things and feel less pain throughout your day. You may even see a positive change in your facial profile by correcting your teeth.

You could also prevent later surgical procedures. Many orthodontists will say, taking care of your teeth now will help you down the line. By using adult orthodontics, you could save your teeth from being pulled or breaking off because you will be able to have better oral hygiene and prevent issues from arising in your mouth.

Several benefits

You can choose your desired treatment plan. You have options! Whatever suits your lifestyle, you can do it, whether that be traditional braces or clear mouth guards. There are also many different types of braces that you can choose from as well.

Feel more confident. Having a beautiful smile is an absolute confidence boost. You can finally feel like smiling openly instead of hiding it. Especially as professional adults having that confidence would be amazing.

Have better breath! This one may be a shocker, but if your teeth are hard to clean around and bacteria build up around them, then that results in bad breath; by straightening and strengthening your teeth, allowing them to be properly cleaned, that bacteria will disappear. Without the bad bacteria in your mouth, you can have fresh, clean-smelling breath.

What are my options?

You can still have and achieve a healthy smile even if you thought it was hopeless. Sometimes as we get older, we think our teeth are either going to be bad, we will have to have them pulled, or we will have to have a huge procedure. Luckily, that is not always the case. There are a ton of options for adults to straighten their teeth without a surgical procedure.

One option that you discuss with your orthodontist is Invisalign. Invisalign is an unnoticeable way to straighten your teeth without the hassle of braces. Invisalign is relatively quick, and there have been amazing results. Invisalign is mouth guards that slowly push or pull or teeth into a straighter line without any pain or discomfort.

Another option is normal braces. These work great, but normally adults will have to wear them for around two years. Fortunately, there are options of teeth-colored brackets, so they don’t stand out as much, as well as options of putting different colors on top and bottom. Your orthodontist would be able to advise you well which option would be the best for you.

Request an appointment here: or call Aces Braces at (718) 709-3903 for an appointment in our Brooklyn office.

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